Thursday 29 May 2008

Project 3 - Social Context

The Newtown/King Street area is host to a vibrant counter-culture ideal, and street art and graffiti features throughout the area. Sprayed or stenciled onto any available public surface, the street art features a mix of ordinary graffiti, pop-culture statements, or even artistic pieces of social merit. The graffiti is now an accepted part of the area's social fabric, and plays a prominent part in the public cultural image of the area.

The graffiti may display a sense of national pride befitting the multi-cultural aspect of the area.

Stereotypically 'drab' faces of the urban context - laneways, fences, and garages - are brightened and used as a social canvas by street artists.

Commercial use of Graffiti
In response to the widespread presence of the graffiti, retailers and business-owners have picked up on the cultural trend, advertising their services, logos and business names on the walls of their buildings

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