Wednesday 22 August 2007

Experiment Two: Week Five - Quote Selection

"... she said the object and color in the materials around us actually have a physical effect on us, on how we feel."
-Florence Nightingale

"A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, -- a mere heart of stone."
-Charles Darwin

"... that both time and space are finite in extent, but they don't have any boundary or edge."
-Stephen Hawking, on his 1982 'No Boundary Principle'.

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Experiment One: Week Three - Independent Study (VIDEO)

Experiment One: Week Three - Independent Study

Images Featuring Custom Textures:

Overall Sectioned View
Leonardo da Vinci: The Mona Lisa - 'Iconic'
Patricia Piccinini: The Young Family - 'Relationship'

Custom Textures:

Porous (Below)

Raw (Below)

Hairy (Below)

Coarse (Below)

Sediments (Below)

Marbled (Above)

Rough (Below)

Soft (Above)

Bamboo (In Between)

Organic (Below)

Wooden (In Between)

Sandy (Below)

Cracked (Above)

Corrugated (In Between)

Fabric (In Between)

Crude (Below)

Pulp (Below)

Stone (Below)

Metallic (In Between)

Translucent (In Between)

Thin (In Between)

Bricks (Above)

Heavy (Below)

Delicate (Above)

Jagged (Below)

Fluidity (In Between)

Fine (Above)

Hollow (In Between)

Spongey (Below)

Smooth (Above)

Sleek (Above)

Durable (Above)

Rock (Above)

Rusty (Above)

Concrete (Below)

Dense (Below)

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Experiment One: Week Two - Independent Study

Original Chosen Section
Leonardo da Vinci -
The Mona Lisa - 'Iconic'
Patricia Piccinini -
The Young Family - 'Relationship'

Resulting Section (Page 1)

(Page 2)

Below Ground: 'Relationship'
Pale wood panel facing. Corrugated Steel Outer Form. Glass.

Above Ground: 'Iconic'
Dark wood panel flooring

Overall Section View

Wednesday 1 August 2007

Experiment One: Week One - Independent Study

Chosen Image (Bottom Half)
Patricia Piccinini - The Young Family - 'Natural'
Leonardo da Vinci - The Mona Lisa - 'Iconic'

Above Ground: 'Natural'
Concrete outer form. Wood panel inner form.

Below Ground: 'Iconic'
Concrete. Stone. Water.Overall Section View