Thursday 30 October 2008

Architectural Precedents - Roof Terrain/Landscape

Within a footprint of aligned and misaligned forms, the roof of the Coogee Community Centre becomes a landscape of gently undulating timber decking; a man-made landscape inserted into a new context, and a reciprocate 'ground plane' for the building's footprint upon the site. Its materiality reflects the cultural history of the area's construction, and of the ideal of the 'beach pavilion'.

Similar approaches to an integration of landscape and architecture include FOREIGN OFFICE ARCHITECTS' Yokohama International Ferry Terminal (1994-2002), which almost lifts a flap of ground to fold, crease and manipulate into an architectural container.

Yokohama International Ferry Terminal

PLOT architects' Maritime Youth House (2004) in Copenhagen integrates roof, floor, interior and exterior with a manipulated plane of 'terrain' delicately referencing, and situated upon, the site.

PLOT (now disbanded)
Maritime Youth House

Continuing Development - Sketches

Sketching the 'topography' of the usable rooftop terrain
Integration of separate roof area into greater design by continuation of terrain

Sketching the roof outline with various manipulations vs. the original form

Friday 17 October 2008

ARCH1202 S2 2008 - Exercise 3 - 1:200 Model Photos

Showing the distinct insertion of volumes into the site terrain


Views from the oval (Eastern Elevation)
Northern approaches

Aerial shot of Gym void

Aerial shot of grandstand connections

Oval-side viewing platform/seating

ARCH1202 S2 2008 - Exercise 3 - Elevations+Sections

Western Elevation (main facade)

Eastern Elevation (oval approach)

Longitudinal Section (through main gym hall)

Cross Section (through main gym hall)

ARCH1202 S2 2008 - Exercise 3 - Floor Plans

01. Roof 'landscape'
02. Manager's office
03. Office for employees
04. Staff room

01. Cafeteria
02. Cafeteria kitchen
03. Restrooms
04. Large multipurpose room
05. Flexible workshop
06. Small multipurpose gym hall
07. Double garage
08. General storeroom
09. Adjoined/combinable small multipurpose rooms
10. Audio-Visual storeroom
11. Technical room
12. Foyer
13. Community kitchen
14. Void over large gym hall

01. Double-height large multipurpose gym hall
02. Male change rooms
03. Female change rooms
04. Rub down room
05. Gym storeroom

Architectural Precedents

The overarching concept of the Coogee Community Center deals with alignment and misalignment, axis of approach and direction of movement, considered in a materially strong planar form that attempts to approach its insertion into the landscape with a certain degree of subtlety.
These concerns, with a personal interest and preference for a clearly delineated and - to a certain degree - minimalist architecture informs the use and adoption of precedents such as Álvaro Siza Vieira and his one time 'student' Eduardo Souto de Moura; both Portuguese architects who deal delicately with site, nature, social and historical context, while achieving an experientially powerful architecture.

Galician Center of Contemporary Art (1988-1993)
Alignment and a strong sense of Axis in a rational form

Leça da Palmeira Sea Pools (1966)
Again featuring a strong sense of axis and alignment, with a very evident approach to insertion into the landscape

Casa Patio en Matosinhos
Directional planarity with strong materiality

Casa en Cascais
Strongly horizontal volumes situated delicately within their context

Casa en Moledo
Strong insertion and materiality evident in a planar approach

Assorted Conceptual Sketches

Original floor-plan concept

Original concept of the roof 'terrain'