Wednesday 17 October 2007

Experiment Three: Week Three - Independent Study

Example of dining/meeting table in SketchUp.

Although distanced and elevated from the 'landscape' seen below them, the entrepreneurs Ratan Tata and Carlos Slim must accept the fact that their monetary worth is founded upon the people; the 'common' ground rises above the distancing glass plane to physically interact with the two corporate leaders at their place of business and control.

The two tables constructed from a single swoop of the landscape gives the ability for the entrepreneurs to interact with the landscape separately, or at the same table; facing either the same or opposing directions. The deep central chasm creates a visual point and a 'lure' for movement into the meeting space, while also dividing the tables and allowing through-access and passage. This central chasm also plunges low enough to allow hinting views both up into the meeting space from Ratan Tata's 'lobby', and vice-versa.

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